A cock rant

by Staff Writer

I’ve been trolling (hate that word) about some sites J and I belong to lately. We’re looking (as I said) for a male lover to bring to our bed.

Let it be said that all applications new and old will be accepted. No one will be turned away.

I promise to get into what makes a good ad. But, before I do, I have a bit of a rant. In nearly every discussion, every post, every ad, every profile, cock pics and descriptions are always the leaders. If one were completely naïve to the world, one might think that we were seeking out manufacturers of dildos and apparatus for experimentation. One might think that we were seeking to make a mold of “THE” perfect cock to use for all eternity, that all others will pale in comparison. At least, you would think that’s what we were doing by the detail, the sickening detail, that goes into every ’submission.’ It is as if the cock-senders and cock-talkers think there is nothing else desired of them besides a stiff erection.

I beg to differ. When we select a lover, it will be based on many factors, not the least of which is a healthy, intelligent sexual appetite. I will not be judging on color, slant, cut, length, or otherwise. Admittedly, there are some that are more attractive than others. But don’t lube yourself up, take a pic and email that to me with no words expecting some sort of over-enthusiastic, horny response that would have you in my bed in less than an hour.

I like them many ways. But, rather than having one that “can split me in two” or “keep me going for hours” I’d rather have one not connected to a dolt. Size truly does matter not. Read it again. That’s right. It matters not. Stupidity and naivete, however matter a great deal.

And, so I step down from my soapbox…to sit upon a cock of my choosing this evening. It may not be the biggest in all the land, but it knows from whence it came, and where it is going.

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7 Responses to “A cock rant”

  1. tom paine Says:

    The sexiest thing about an Internet ad is the face. I would like to see more of the body at some point, as I have my tastes in women, but a great body and an unattractive face are not for me.

  2. Anastasia Says:

    Between 1999 until 2004 (off and on during the last year), I tried many adult dating sites, and I got fed up with the cock shot, and noticed (on Australian adult dating sites) many other women who were fed up with being emailed cock shots.

    Sometimes I’d think that there was a point in the cock shot, somehow telling myself that the adult dating sites were just for sex, but at the same time, when you meet a person for coffee from these sites, as I did plenty times, their cock wouldn’t be the first thing in my mind (and I completely screened cock shot dudes, having no interest in moving beyond their introduction), more so how they communicated, how comfortable they were within their skin (because the more comfortable they were within themselves, the more comfortable they’d be if things moved forward intimately - that’s the logic I use for myself, everyone’s different)..eventually I stopped using those sites because at some stage there was a higher proportion of males sending through cock shots than anything else. It may not make sense - I like to do a person, not just a cock, if it was just a cock, then a vibrator has more advantages from an endurance point of view (continually hard, all the time lol)

  3. Lola David Says:

    Anastasia, I completely agree. I have by my bedside already my favorite dildos and vibrators. In writing an ad for a human being, you’d think they’d want to showcase something that isn’t mass-produced in the sex toy industry already…

    But, that does not change the fact that you may be completely explicit in your profile saying “No cock pics…” or “Cock pics without a reply will be deleted.”

    They still send them…with something eloquent like “You still wanna?”

    It certainly isn’t the case on all sites, but its a phenomena that makes me chuckle sometimes!

  4. tom paine Says:

    if it was just a cock, then a vibrator has more advantages from an endurance point of view (continually hard, all the time lol)
    C. says that vibrators are infinitely superior to men because she always can be sure of getting off.

  5. Between the Sheets » Blog Archive » Why I brown-filed your response Says:

    [...] 1. They respondent didn’t read our ad. (Meaning, they are either under 35, smokers, or completely straight wanting no incidental contact with same sex.) 2. We received no actual words at all, just a modest cock pic. 3. If there was not a coherent thought in the email, we assumed that there wasn’t one in their head. (Meaning, if you didn’t read our ad and write a response that explained yourself and “why you are a good fit for the party,” you get cut. We do not want a “Sounds awesome! Count me in!”) 4. It’s a small sexual community that we’re in and there are a few individuals (single males) that function as a “group.” I think they have responded to anything I’ve ever posted. We have seen them at parties, though never played with them, and know that they’re just not as thoughtful as we’d like for this encounter. Perhaps they’d be better suited for that group fuck I’d like to plan…Ok, so maybe I won’t delete them, just tuck them away somewhere. [...]

  6. Mandy Says:

    I have to agree with you about the cock pics. Like a lot of women, it is not the first thing I think about when I meet a man. In fact, it is often the last thing I think about. As anyone who reads my blog knows I am an active ’swinger’ and have seen lots of cocks, but even in that venue, a man has to get into my head long before he gets into my pants. I, like a lot of those of us in the ‘lifestyle’ are more discriminating than people think. Many women, although I certainly can’t speak for them all, need to be stimulated and excited long before the clothes come off. I don’t want a pic of your cock either, in personals, I would rather hear or read what you are thinking about. And finally, (sorry to go on and on) sorry guys, but a big cock is not what it takes to be a good lover, not by a long shot. (pardon the pun) I have had the most orgasms with a guy that has a cock that probably isn’t 6 inches long, but he knows how to make love to a woman. I think guys with small dicks try harder….

  7. Lola David Says:

    Mandy, you bring up excellent points….there are more than a few misconceptions about the first thing we look for (not a cock) and the thing that we all want (a big’un)…Those of us who have had our share certainly are way more discriminating–and deserve to be.

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