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About Between the Sheets

Cock. Hard. Pussy. Wet. Tongue. Throb. Sweat. Impale. Well, you made it so far; you might as well make yourself cozy. Isn't it amazing how all of those words have completely mundane definitions until you link them all together?

Welcome to Between the Sheets, where no aspect of sex is taboo and nothing is sacred. So come in and stretch out. Leave a comment. Browse around. You'll leave either appalled or enthralled, but you'll definitely remember your first time. (And it only gets better AFTER the first time.)

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Dating & Relationships Channel Posts

  • My first post here where I go off on the husband...
    Ok, I want him to take some mental responsibility here.  I want him to take some of the grief out of my brain and carry it around in his brain for a little while.  Over 3 months ago I [...]
  • Friday Free-For-All - Locations
    Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful week and are ready to have some fun weekend Q&A time here on Long Relationships. Inspired by the Weekend Soiree over at Wifely Steps (and pretty much [...]
  • How does it work?
    If you remember, my husband had dental work done last Thursday.  That means that last Thursday at this time was the beginning of a weekend long of taking care of my husband.  He really [...]
  • The Lost Art of Letter Writing
    Today we have a special guest post from my friend Jenera. She'll be writing for Long Relationships this week. Every so often you'll see a blog post, an article, or something on TV about how no one [...]
  • Sex After Pregnancy
    Today we have a special guest post from my friend Jenera. She'll be writing for Long Relationships this week. We've all heard the stories about how your sex life changes during and after [...]
  • Bonding With Your Children
    Today we have a special guest post from my friend Jenera. She'll be writing for Long Relationships this week. Having a relationship with your children is as important as your relationship with [...]
  • I can haz code....Iz dink so
    The code is as follows <a href=""><img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-1199" [...]
  • What you might have missed this week
    The Getting Married Process I am his keeper My visit with the Marriage Counselor The Marital Bed Post Number 435,537,344 I'm going to be brief, no really I am Technorati Tags: marriage [...]
  • De-Lurking Day - Wednesday, October 8th
    I'm celebrating and I'm trying to get as many people as possible to get involved.  In case you don't know what it means to "de-lurk", I"m getting you the definition, right here [...]
  • Talking to Your Spouse
    Today we have a special guest post from my friend Jenera. She'll be writing for Long Relationships this week. I heard on TV today that the average married couple only talks 12 minutes a day to [...]

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