Start Spreading the … Sheets
You know how, when you start the vibrator up, you always assume that no one is watching you? Or aware that it’s happening?
My writing here feels very much like that.
I’m allowed to wander as I please, at my own pace, feeling my own way around. I can take my time, and I can time my own climax like I like. It’s private. And no one know I’m doing it.
Well, not quite, I suppose.
I was happy to see Between the Sheets reviewed over at Sexy Blog Reviews, and even happier to see that the review was positive! And even happier yet to see that my “A Dinner Out” series inspired the purchase of a remote control vibrator. SUH-WEET.
So spread the joy and show the love by hopping over there. They’ve got some great reviews of sites I hadn’t yet visited, and in my humble opinion, you can never have too many favorite sexy blogs.
Now, back to that portion about the vibrator..
sexy blog reviews, vibrator, erotica
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