A Night Next Door, part 2

by Aurora

She was kissing him, he was kissing me, I was just kissing. We were all naked, and the flesh of our bodies rubbed against one another, causing moans to escape from each our lips. I felt lightheaded, there, on the couch, with the J* and the girl next door, wondering if I should protest and leave. Wondering if it would even matter. Maybe they would strap me to the couch, naked, and take naughty pictures to amuse themselves.

But I knew that I wouldn’t protest or leave. I didn’t want to. I wanted to be engulfed by their sexuality, a part of something that had been so secretive and special to me over the past for months, as I watched them fuck from my bedroom window. I was getting my wish. J* continued his advance, and the girl next door pushed me gently back, into a lying down position. God, I felt like I had to orgasm already.

“Do you want to cum?” the girl next door whispered into my ear. Did she read my mind? “You have to be a good girl if you want to cum. J* will make your cum, but only if you’re good.”

I would be good. His kisses traveled down my bare torso, as she slowly raised my arms over my head and pinned them. I ached to feel J*’s lips between by legs, but he stopped, looking into my eyes. “Will you be good?”

“Yes…” I whispered. I felt a bit silly, exposed and dripping wet. I’ve never been so vulnerable, not even the night of their party as they taped my sexcapades with J*’s brother.

“I can’t hear you.”

“Yes.” I said, horsely. J*’s hands were on my inner thighs, and it was all I could do to stop myself from grinding against them. I might have, if she had not had me pinned.

“Good. Then listen to me closely. No moving. You can scream, moan, cry, whatever you want, but NO MOVING. Do you understand? If you move, we’ll stop.”


J* smiled at me and began to lick slowly along my thighs, causing me to tremble, and I moved my legs a bit father apart. He stopped. “I mean it. No moving.” He was serious. God, I didn’t want him to stop.

He began again, and it was torturous to remain still as he softly kissed along my legs before sticking a single finger inside of me slowly. I moaned. I couldn’t help it. He moved dangerously slow, calmly licking around my clit and she moved from her pinning position to curl up next to me, legs wrapped over my torso and hand coming to a rest on my chest. I didn’t dare move my arms as she clung to me. “Can you feel me?” she asked. “Can you feel how wet I am?”

I could. She was spread so that her pussy was pressed firmly against me, confirming that she was as turned on as I was. “Yes.”

J* moved his index finger in and out slowly, wiggling, exploring, getting to know me. I gasped each time he licked my swollen clit, agonizingly need to feel him, wanting to cum hard. As he added another finger, she played with my nipples, pinching, gently twisting, licking. My body was theres, and with each passing second I was closer and closer to orgasming.

J*’s began stroking his thick cock as he continued slowly fingering me. He was much bigger than his brother. Much bigger than most, actually. I watched him swell to a full nine or ten inches, him never taking his eyes off of me.

And suddenly he stood and trust himself in me. I gasped, surprised and suddenly full of him, thrusting, pounding, fucking my brains out. She moved above me once more and tore my legs farther apart so that he was hitting my g-spot perfectly. I began to shriek. and she began to rub my clit hard as he continued thrusting. God, it felt so good.

“Don’t move!” He said, raising he voice to be heard over me. “Don’t move or I’ll stop.”

I don’t know if I moved. The room was spinning and I was coming, coming, coming. To a woman, a g-spot orgasm feels different than a clit orgasm…and I think I had both at once. They didn’t stop and I was screaming. I blacked out for a second, I think. I don’t really know.

What I do know is that after I came, he pulled out and she wrapped her lips around him, just in time for him to explode down her throat, mixing the taste of his cum with the taste of mine, running all over his cock. I lay there, my hands still in position over my head, my heart racing, gasping for air.

“You sluts,” J* said with a laugh, smiling at his wife and I.

It’s Thursday, and I haven’t seen them since. J*’s gone on a business trip, I think…I saw him leave on Monday morning, briefcase in hand, and he hasn’t been back since. She’s been home most of the time, her curtains usually open, but nothing exciting going on, unless I want to watch her read a book before bed at night.

I can still feel his thrusting. I can still feel her forcing my legs open farther and farther. I can’t wait for him to get home.

Edit from Aurora: I’ve moved! Cum visit me at Between My Sheets!

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