The Cabin, Part II

by Staff Writer

We spoke in hushed voices of our longing for each other, how badly we had craved each other during the time apart. To see the passion behind your eyes as you said those things meant so much more than any time we had written those same thoughts over the past few weeks. My hands ran the length of your body, first only fingertips, a playful familiarity that continued as you explored my body in a similar way. Our touches echoed each other, pulling one another more closely, kissing more deeply. I draped a leg over you as we lay on our sides. I felt your hands reach down about my waist, as if questioning why I still had clothing on, but enjoying the time we were taking to caress, warm, and anticipate each other. I placed a pillow behind your head, and you lay on your back as I poured us each a glass of wine.

Still half-dressed, we shared the taste of deep currant and plum as we began to kiss again. You felt the softness of my tongue, the playful tease of my nibble about your neck as I climbed on top of you. You watched the firelight dance off glow of my back as we spoke and I lay on top of you. We enjoyed the feel of our skin together, and I lay my head on your chest in between laughs and kisses. Your fingertips traced my spine, gently, and then more passionately as the weight of me against you began to make you ache again…you shifted underneath me, and rolled so that you had my former position. I laughed momentarily before your kiss consumed me.

We had waited and played long enough. You grew impatient and your senses overtook you. With each touch and kiss you longed for a more intimate taste of me and I of you. Our breath began to quicken, and we didn’t let go of one another, instead gripping each other more tightly. The light touches of our fingertips turned into passionate groping and pulling. You guided my kiss about your neck, shoulders, and chest. You took each of my breasts in your mouth, gathering the patience to properly stimulate them with your lips, tongue, and teeth. You felt my back arch and my grip in your hair tighten. I loved how intimately you knew what drove me wild. You slid my remaining clothing down over my hips and legs, tossing them somewhere in the room. I reached underneath you as we kissed, and loosened your pants, sliding them over your hips and in the same direction of my clothes. And, for the first time, you pressed your naked body against mine. The sensation of that alone was a relief and a pleasure, something I had longed for since the last moment we were together. I wrapped my legs tightly around your hips, pulling you into me, hoping you’d let me have you immediately, and you did. Swiftly, and before I had time to plead with you, you entered me. You wanted to feel my body give over to the strength and power of you…we would enjoy each other more slowly later on. You grabbed my ankles and placed them over one of your shoulders, kissing and nibbling at the back of one of my knees as we made love. Then, you pulled away from me briefly, kneeling before me, and pulling my hips to rest on your thighs. You entered me again and ran your hands down the sides of my hips to my back as you thrust inside me.

You pulled me toward you so that I sat on your lap facing you, my arms clasped around your shoulders, feeling you move slowly inside me…Your hands braced my back so that I could lean back slightly, letting your tongue explore and play with my nipples, my collarbone, my neck. My hips shifted, manipulating you inside me, feeling you stiffen even more. You moan and slide your hands down my back to guide my movement, nestling your face in my hair. We both begin that release we have waited so long to experience with each other again. I start to quiver and pull you tighter to me. Your muscles tighten, clutching me more fiercely, pressing down on the bend between my hips and upper thigh to keep me from moving so that I can feel every quiver of you more completely than I ever have. Our breath remains erratic and seems to echo the other’s as we regain our composure.

Your hands find their way to my face, to caress and kiss me, as we smile at each other and sigh, knowing it will never be any sweeter than this moment…

“You’re incredible, my love,�? I whispered…You leaned into me with your arms at my back, and placed me back onto the blankets, careful to put a pillow beneath my head. And, you lay on top of me as we rested, kissed, and talked pausing for a sip of wine, or to feed each other some fresh fruit. The weight of you upon me was soothing, and I wanted nothing else than to remain that close to you all evening. We’ll eventually fall asleep together wrapped up in a down comforter in front of the fire, with dozens of pillows. I can hear your heartbeat gently and know that I’ll never know any other rhythm like the one I feel when I’m with you.

The rest of the weekend is spent in much of the same way, though we manage to take hikes out to the ocean, making love in the tall summer grasses of a meadow along the way, and spend a clearer evening on the patio making love under the stars after a long stint in the hot tub.


It’s never always that dreamy, but sometimes we all have moments that reak of a paperback romance novel. And, they’re fun to relive when the urge strikes us.

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13 Responses to “The Cabin, Part II”

  1. tom paine Says:

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting. I’m impressed that you scored so high on the Slut Test. I guess it’s where your writing gets its inspiration. I’ve linked to your site.

  2. Lola David Says:

    Alright, so I rounded down a smidge… Cupid - Free Online Dating and Match

    It’s a silly test, but I was happy they didn’t delve into fetishes, bdsm, or swinging at all! Whew! Could have gone over 100 on that one..

    I found it interesting that they didn’t ask at all about being bisexual…hmm..

  3. Between the Sheets » Blog Archive » Sugasm #54 Says:

    [...] Well, I’m very happy to say (as a newbie) to the blogging world “Cabin, Part II” was chosen for Sugasm’s #54 list of top posts in the blogging world for the week! Part of what I hope to do in this blog is laugh and love all aspects of sex with you. We’ve started with a few stories to break the ice and will get to less dramatic, real-life tips next week. [...]

  4. tom paine Says:

    “Hopeless, Irresistable Lust” was submitted from my site, but may have been dropped. I won’t know until the finals come out tomorrow (Monday). I’m bummed out if it missed, it’s one of my better posts.

  5. Master Fitz and His brat » Blog Archive » Sugasm #54 Says:

    [...] Erotic Writing and Experiences The Cabin, Part II ( Early Masturbation Experiences ( Fun in the Bahamas ( Hopeless, Irresistible Lust ( I Haven’t Come in Days ( Lipstick On Your… What? ( Nikki ( Piano Girl I ( Restless ( Story 2 - Stressed ( Too Sick to Fuck ( Toy Tuesday: Plug ( [...]

  6. Retro Sex Blog » Sugasm 54 Says:

    [...] Erotic Writing and ExperiencesThe Cabin, Part II ( Masturbation Experiences ( in the Bahamas (, Irresistible Lust ( Haven’t Come in Days ( On Your… What? ( ( Girl I ( ( 2 - Stressed ( Sick to Fuck ( Tuesday: Plug ( [...]

  7. Sugasm 54 « The Erotic Journal of Juno Henry Says:

    [...] Erotic Writing and Experiences The Cabin, Part II ( Early Masturbation Experiences ( Fun in the Bahamas ( Hopeless, Irresistible Lust ( I Haven’t Come in Days ( Lipstick On Your… What? ( Nikki ( Piano Girl I ( Restless ( Story 2 - Stressed ( Too Sick to Fuck ( Toy Tuesday: Plug ( [...]

  8. John Says:

    I love the story, but then you knew it would capture fans such as me.

  9. Model-Chat » Sugasm 54 - I’m a pick! Says:

    [...] Erotic Writing and Experiences The Cabin, Part II ( Early Masturbation Experiences ( Fun in the Bahamas ( Hopeless, Irresistible Lust ( I Haven’t Come in Days ( Lipstick On Your… What? ( Nikki ( Piano Girl I ( Restless ( Story 2 - Stressed ( Too Sick to Fuck ( Toy Tuesday: Plug ( [...]

  10. Talk To Vanessa » Blog Archive » Sugasm #54 Says:

    [...] Erotic Writing and Experiences The Cabin, Part II ( Early Masturbation Experiences ( Fun in the Bahamas ( Hopeless, Irresistible Lust ( I Haven’t Come in Days ( Lipstick On Your… What? ( Nikki ( Piano Girl I ( Restless ( Story 2 - Stressed ( Too Sick to Fuck ( Toy Tuesday: Plug ( [...]

  11. Between the Sheets » Blog Archive » A few more stolen moments Says:

    [...] This is a subsequent tale to The Cabin… Part II of this story will be loaded in 6 hours, so if you’d rather not wait to read the end, come back then! [...]

  12. Lusidvicel Says:

    Hello, i love! Let me in, please :)

  13. Sugasm: A Devilish Digest » Blog Archive » Sugasm #54 Says:

    [...] Erotic Writing and Experiences The Cabin, Part II (…) Early Masturbation Experiences (…) Fun in the Bahamas (…) Hopeless, Irresistible Lust (…) I Haven’t Come in Days (…) Lipstick On Your… What? (…) Nikki (…) Piano Girl I (…) Restless (…) Story 2 - Stressed (…) Too Sick to Fuck (…) Toy Tuesday: Plug (…) [...]

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