Illegal Sex Toys
You know, I’m totally baffled by this whole illegal sex toys thing. Yes, in case you haven’t been keeping up, some states, like Mississippi have made sex toys illegal. More specifically, “any device designed to stimulate human genitals.” (according to the Clarion Ledger) So how’s that for mind blowing?
What freaks me out even more is that people are actually taking the time to make calls to the police about potential law breakers that might be selling sex toys. According to, police recieved calls from 12 neighbors that led them to sending undercover policement to the McDowell Adult Bookstore, where they bought illegal sex toys and later arrested the owner.
What I want to know is how they managage to justify spending money on this type of thing when there are drug dealers selling pot, cocaine, and meth to our children and gangs running the streets. Next thing you know people will be getting arrested for using a banana in a manner that it is not supposed to be used in.
Let’s get it through the heads of the puritanical politician assholes that there are worse things to worry about than the sex habits of our neighbors.
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