An Affair with the Wind

by Aurora

Please Note: The below story is one from the past, not a recent run-in. Please check out the other posts this week to help celebrate Between the Sheets’ Sexual Abuse Awareness Week

bar.jpgThe first thing I had noticed about him was his smell as I walked past to sit on the other end of the bar. The small was unmistakable - cigarettes and confidence. Come home with me, I whispered with my eyes. He looked me up and down slowly, not hiding his appetite, as I trailed a finger up my leg to make my short skirt even shorter. I sipped the martini he had bought me from across the room. The loud bar seemed quite in his gaze.

My cell phone buzzed angrily in my purse, and I flipped it open to read the glaring words from my boyfriend. “RU Being Naughty?”

“Very.” I texted back in reply. I turned my phone off, slipping it back into my purse, and stood up, his eyes watching my every move. I paid my tab and walked toward the exit, pausing only to whisper in his ear, “You look like a man who likes to be in charge.” I handed him a napkin with my address, walked out, and hailed a taxi.

I had the driver take me to the river, where I looked out across the water while the wind blew my skirt. I wasn’t wearing panties, and the wind, my lover, as already teasing me, making me wet. It was night time in the city and I was walking home alone, but I lived in a good neighborhood. Home wasn’t more than a few blocks away, and I wasn’t afraid. The wind cradle me and kept me safe while I lusted for its love.

My townhouse was dark, and I slipped in quietly so as not to wake my neighbor’s dog. The floorboards creaked, and I froze. The man from the bar sprung from the shadows, using one hand to muffle my cries while using the other hand to yank my skirt to my knees.

I tried to scramble away, but he held me, naked from the waste down, firmly against him. His pants were unzipped and I could feel his already hard cock pressing into my lower back. He bound my hands with a scarf I had hanging on the coat rack. I whimpered, but at the same time, the feeling of him against me was making me even wetter.

“Quiet, my darling,” the wind cooed, as the man gagged me with one of his socks and using my own skirt to tie the gag in place. I pulled my to the stairs forced me to bend over, my head resting on one of the steps.

And then he spanked me. I’ve been spanked before, but not like this. This wasn’t a tap on the ass or a playful slap during doggy. He stood behind me and spanked, spanked to leave red marks and make my eyes water and my nose run. The wind couldn’t protect me inside of a house. It was eerily quiet with only the sound of the slap of his large hand against my skin.

He didn’t waste much time before he was in me. He pulled my hair from behind and thrusted into my helpless cunt, using his free hand to continue to spank me. All I could do was cringe at the pain and shudder with pleasure as the tip of his penis knocked against my g-spot. A dog barked somewhere in the night. The clock in my entryway ticked loudly. I began to cum.

“That’s right, cum like the good little slut you are,” said the intruder, speaking for the first time since I laid eyes on him in the bar. He pulled me away from the stairs so that I was completely bent over, my head between my knees. He continue to thrust, up and into me, and I began to feel light-headed. With a groan, I felt him burst inside of me, my pussy hungry for his cum, although I continued to resist.

*15 minutes later*

I stepped out of the shower, looking in the mirror at my red ass and feeling my legs and arms aching. Walking out of the bathroom, I saw the man from the bar asleep in my bed, and I curled up, naked and damp, in his arms. I whispered sweet I love yous to my boyfriend and drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the wind.

Edit from Aurora: I’ve moved! Cum visit me at Between My Sheets!

12 Responses to “An Affair with the Wind”

  1. Sugasm #100 Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  2. Radical Vixen » Blog Archive » Sugasm #100 Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  3. Centenary Sugasm (100 already? Whoa.) « The Erotic Journal of Juno Henry Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  4. Sugasm #100 « Sweat Shop Sissy Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  5. Sugasm #100 « Under the Crimson Moon Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  6. Niteflirt Phone Sex with KylieCallMe ~ barely legal, no limits! » Sugasm…. Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  7. at last 100th sugasmmmm « Diary of a gay dad Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  8. Between the Sheets » Blog Archive » Happy 100th Sugasm! Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  9. Lumpesse Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly Lesbian [...]

  10. Sweet Surprise » Sugasm #100 Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  11. Catalina Loves » Blog Archive » Catalina loves a Hundred Sugasms Says:

    [...] Writing and Experiences 100 Sexy An Affair with the Wind Corseting Mrs. Russian Burlesque: Home Coming Gamahuche I Succumb to Jefferson’s Dastardly [...]

  12. Sexuality Happens » You Sugasmed #100 me all night long! Says:

    [...] An Affair with the Wind [...]

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