Get Naked!
I have never understood why so many people are afraid to be naked. Being naked is the most natural thing in the world. So what if your thighs are too thick? So are mine and about 75% of the rest of the population. No one cares but you! Saggy boobs - be proud of them. You’ve gone through a lot of life and experience to get to the saggy boob stage! Bodies change and you can’t have the body you had when you were 18 forever. In fact, you really only get that body for about a year and then things start changing.
After your teens your body metabolizes food differently. That means your thighs get thicker, your breasts are fuller, and you hips widen. It happens a little bit more every year and it happens whether or not you have children. Some people’s bodies change slower than other but in the end none of us look like we did when we were 18. The sooner we accept that fact the sooner we can get back to loving our lives, loving our bodies, and getting naked.
Are you worried about what your partner thinks of your body? Stop - right now. Because he doesn’t care as long as you are still getting naked with him and as long as you’re letting him look. Ok - there are some guys that do care and hopefully that’s not the guy you are with. But if it is you need to remember that there are others out there that would love you for who you are, no matter what you look like and then you need to decide whether you want to be with the one your with or whether its time to find someone who wants to be with you as you are. I’m not telling you to leave your man if he doesn’t thrill over your body - I’m just saying love your body because you know there’s nothing wrong with it, not because of what anyone else thinks.
Now, maybe you’re wondering why I put that picture up there. Take a look at it. What do you see? Nice breasts, flat tummy, likely a sweet ass? Maybe. But I see someone that needs to eat a couple burgers. She’s too skinny for my taste. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong. It just means we have different tastes. I’m not attracted to skinny women and I’m not attracted to skinny men. Just not my thing. Nobody is a perfect 10 to everyone that they come across.
So, get naked and enjoy it. Vaccuum the living room on a hot day (my mom does and she’s in her sixties!). Sleep naked (because if you’re not already you’re really missing something). Go skinny dipping.
Get naked and be well!
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